Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Colts 31 Raiders 26
Many are drawing comparisons to the 2006 team which won the Super Bowl. Though there are some similarities, there is no way I'm going there. Yes, in 2006, the Colts couldn't stop any team's running game, and then came on unbelievably in the playoffs with the return of Bob Sanders and his presence bolstered the run defense and even the top ground games in the league had difficulty getting yardage on the ground. The past 2 games the Colts have stymied two of the best running attacks in the league. The difference in 2006, the Colts were getting healthy.
This year the Colts can't get healthy if for no other reason many key players have been placed on injured reserve and won't be able to play until next year. Included in this group are Bob Sanders, Melvin Bullitt, Dallas Clark, Anthony Gonzales, Austin Collie, and Jerraud Powers. These are just top contributers and doesn't include players like Tom Santi and Jamie Silva who have made contributions to this team. Others like Kelvin Hayden and Clint Session are still waiting to be cleared to play.
On the encouraging side, the Colts have all of a sudden developed a running game of their own. The Colts racked up 191 yards on the ground against the Raiders with Dominic Rhodes doing the most damage. Donald Brown made some nice runs in limited action and Joseph Addai returned and ran strong. The Colts offensive line has begun to open up holes for the backs and are beginning to look like a better unit. The 191 rushing yards exceeded the Colts passing yardage (179), a rare occurance.
Maybe a more significant outcome of the game is that no Colt player was injured, though Antoine Bethea gave Colts's fans a scare when he went to the sidelines after a play that left him in pain on the field.
All of this bodes well but if the Colts lose Sunday against Tennessee and Jacksonville wins, the Colts will be watching the playoffs on TV.
Looking ahead to the game, the Colts should win. The Titans are in disarray, but Jeff Fisher is a good coach with his back against the wall and he has nothing to lose and could be unconventional . In the past, he has tried many unconventional tactics in his battles with Indianapolis. One year, he started the game with an onside kick and kept trying onside kicks after scores. I wouldn't be surprised if he went for it on every fourth down this year.
Gear up Colts. This one is another must win game.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas
I find it interesting we make a big deal about giving and receiving presents on Christmas, yet there are very few gifts I remember from Christmas' past. What I do remember is more personal.
I vividly remember sitting in a rocking chair in the living room of the house I grew up in (I was in my early teens) and the lights were out except for the color wheel projecting panels of color against the silver Christmas tree, the ceiling and the walls. Christmas music played on the stereo and I felt a wonderful peace listening to "Silent Night" while watching the alternating beams of color paint the room.
I remember one Christmas, I couldn't have been more than eight or nine, I woke up very early before my parents and I found my grandfather in our family room leaning over a train set that had been set up. He was watching the Lionel engine run in circles following the simple track layout.
I know the joy of spending Christmas with a loving wife and I know the joy of watching my boys filled with excitement early Christmas mornings eager to open the gifts under the tree.
For more than 25 years the tradition for my family was to spend Christmas day at my Aunt Barbara's home in Sheridan, Indiana. I could always expect a great meal , wonderful conversation, laughs, probably a card game and without a doubt a photo shoot. Barbara and Norman were perfect hosts, making everyone comfortable and providing an outstanding spread. At the end of the day it was difficult saying goodbye.
When Jason was younger, one Christmas, he asked me if I knew Xmas is often substituted for Christmas. I paused, recollecting a moment shared with my mother a long time ago. After we saw a Merry Xmas sign displayed on a neighbors lawn, she shared "The term Xmas, as far as I'm concerned is a terrible thing. It takes Christ out of Christmas. It is His birth we celebrate, afterall." I echoed my mother's comments to my son.
Yes, Christmas is all these things to me and everyone has their own special memories, but my thoughts now expand on the celebration of God's own Son coming into this sin stained world.
For everything that babe in a manger represents, when I think of Christmas, I not only see a babe dressed in swaddling clothes being worshiped by shepherds, but I consider what it must have been like for God-- the Creator of all things to humble Himself and take on human flesh.
When I think of Christmas I consider the man Jesus growing up, living sinlessly, ministering to others, performing miracles and teaching the truths of God's Word.
When I think of Christmas, I think of Jesus, the God/Man obedient to the Father allowing himself to be nailed to a cross in order to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.
When I think of Christmas, I think of Jesus' glorious resurrection. He is a living Savior, intereceding for me everyday, keeping me, never leaving or forsaking me.
When I think of Christmas, I think of Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords soon to return and establish His Kingdom on earth.
So let me rejoice as the angels did sing that first Christmas day. For unto us is born a savior-- He is Christ the Lord.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday Message- "The Greatest", Colts Back in First
John 3:16
Pastor Paul Woodruff
John 3:16 is the heart of Christmas
It is the great salvation spoken of in Hebrews 2:3 "How will we escape if we neglect so GREAT a Salvation?"
God....The Greatest Lover
1 Corinthians 13
Nobody Loves Like God
God Is LOVE- !
John 4: 8-10 "The one who does not love does not know God, for God is Love. By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins."
God is the consumate lover of our Souls
So Loved...The Greatest Degree
God's love can't be measured- It is infinite
The World...The Greatest number
People Are what really matter
All persons who have ever lived & will ever live- God loves them all
That He Gave... The greatest Act
The one act that supercedes every act ever done- God gave His only Son @ the Cross
Deity took on Humanity that He would go to the cross
His Only Begotten Son... The Greatest Gift
No One like the eternal Son Of God- God's ONLY Son
No Gift can compare
John 4:10"Jesus answerd and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give me a drink" you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."
Whosoever...The Greatest Invitation
Anyone can come- Whereever your from, whatever your station or situation
Revelation 22:17 "The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come.' And let the one who hears say, 'Come.' And let the one who is thirsty come..."
Believes...The greatest Simplicity
Belief is in the reach of anyone
It is so simple people stumble over it- They want to add to it.
The rich young ruler asked What shall I do"
Romans 10:19-10 "if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;"
In Him...The Greatest person
Jesus is the Greatest Person Ever.
Wisest, Kindest, Sinless
One day every knee shall bow to Him
Shall Not Perish...Greatest deliverance
Jesus delivers us from perishing
from the wrath of God
from hearing "depart from me accursed one"
But...Greatest difference
Believer--- Unbeliever
saved--- Unsaved
Heaven--- Hell
Glory--- Misery
Have... The Greatest certainty
All Those who accept Christ HAVE eternal life
1 John 5:13 "These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life."
I have more certainty of having eternal life that what will happen tomorrow
Eternal Life...The Greatest possession
Greatest gift we can receive
If we have eternal life but nothing else we have everything
If we have all things but not eternal live we have nothing
"For What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?" Mark 8:36
The Greatest Need is Salvation
The Greatest Mistake is Refusing- the free gift of eternal life
The Greatest Tragedy is Perishing when one needs not
Colts 34 Jags 24
The Colts put themselves in the driver's seat toward defending their AFC South Division title with a victory Sunday. With victories over Oakland and Tennessee they will be assured of a dvision title and a home game against one of the wild cards in the playoffs.
Credit needs to first go out to the defense for limiting Maurice Jones Drew and the Jags vaunted running attack to just 67 yards and then to the Colts ground game for totaling 155 yards of their own. Donald Brown led the running game with 129 yards and a touchdown. Two of his runs accounted for 49 yards and 43 yards, the second was for a touchdown.
Early in the game it was the Peyton Manning to Austin Collie show as Collie scored twice on Manning passes. Unfortunately, Collie was again knocked out of the game with a concussion. It is unclear whether Austin will return this season and I wouldn't blame him if he decided to move on away from football. Multiple concussions could have terrible consequences. It is quite a shame as the Colts are a much better team when he is on the field. It is clear Peyton trusts him and Austin has become an explosive part of the offense.
All in all it was a good performance by the Colts. Give the Jaguars credit; they didn't give up and they did make it interesting up until they failed an onside kick which bounced into Tyrone Hagler's hands and he took it in for a touchdown. A good time out by Coach Caldwell just before the kick was instrumental in exposing what the Jaguars were up to.
The Colts will need to keep up the intensity when they face a good Raiders team in Oakland.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday Message, 12/12/10, Colts win on Thursday
Romans 8:28-39
Pastor Paul Woodruf
Major Theme of Romans 8- The Absolute Security of the believer
- vs 1- No Condemnation for those in Christ
- vs 39- No seperation from God
-Every genuine believer is guaranteed Glory
During our lives- lots of tragedy, trials & groanings vs 23
but through it all things will end in Glory
God promised those who come to Him will not be cast out
Jn 3:16-- EVERLASTING Life
3 Fold Guarantee of Our Glory
1.) Perfection of God's Plan guarantees our Glory
"Those Whom"-- all those He foreknew & Predestined are Glorified
It is a done deal- all of God- All according to His perfect plan
If all of God- He won't lose any
1 Peter 1:20 -21 "For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God."
vs 29-30-- Plan
These all go together- can't have 1 without the others
In light of this the whoms refer back to Romans 8:28
Everything works for good- the good- conforming to the image of Christ
God's purposes can't be thwarted - He secures the present & the future
When we are in Glory we will be able to see how things worked together for good.
2.) The Provision of God guarantees our Glory
5 questions
1.) What shall we say to these thing? vs 31- refers to the teachings in Romans 1-8
2.) If God is for us, who can be against us?
The All Powerful, All Knowing, Creator of all things, The Holy, eternal God trumps all
3.) How will He not freely give us all things
If God didn't spare His own Son- There is nothing He would not give
4.) Who will bring a charge against God's Elect? vs 33 Who is the one who condemns?
None of the following can seperate us from the love of Christ
the sword
principalities (demons)
things present
things to come
any created thing
Our guarantee rests on Jesus, Not us
3.) Provision of His love guarantees our glory
vs 39
One must come to Jesus to experience God's saving love & then you become His child & this love is unending & eternal & nothing can seperate us from the love of Christ
Colts 30 Titans 28
Last Thursday the Colts took the first step in the final stretch to reach the playoffs. Peyton Manning returned to form to lead the Colts offense and the defense caused enough havoc early on to disrupt the Titans. A key to the game was the Colts running game getting enough touches to keep Tennesse off balance, helping to open up the passing game. The game wasn't really as close as the final score indicates and it sets up the big game on Sunday the 19th with the Jacksonville Jaguars for first place in the South Division and the likelihood of a playoff birth.
It appears the Colts are going to have a few of their key players back for the Jacksonville game but the Jaguars always play the Colts tough and the Colts will need every able bodied man.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Phantom of the Opera

Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday Message, Colts Recap, The Phantom of the Opera
"Willing Spirit, Weak Flesh"
Romans 7:14-8:4
Pastor Paul Woodruff
We often want to do what is right but are too often weak doing it
Most people including Christians feel this way
The apostles when they wanted to be up praying and watching while Jesus was in the Garden fell asleep- Their flesh was weak and overruled what their spirit wanted
This passage in Romans 7 has differing opinions
one side believes in this passage Paul is writing of his experience before he was a Christian
the other side believes he is writing of his experience as a Christian
of these some believe this is a normal experience of all Christians & it is inevitable & we can look forward to deliverance
others believe this is the carnal Paul still trying to keep the law without the Holy Spirit &
teaches we shouldn't be like this
others believe this is Paul the Godly Mature Man who any sin causes him to feel wretched
The older traditional view is that this is Paul the Jew- the Pharisee under the conviction of the Holy Spirit but not yet saved.
more modern view is this is Paul the Christian they point to Paul using the present tense
1.) Paul's Proclamation vs 14
The Law defined what sin is and it caused man to rebell- an instrument of death
but the Law was spiritual- reflecting God's Holiness
Man is of the Flesh- having been sold under sin & into slavery Rom 3:9
vs 14 is present tense but could have been used as a flash back
2.) Paul's Exasperation vs 18
"For know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not."
Paul just finished writing how we are free- so why would he now try to keep the law unaided by the Spirit?-- this argues for flashback>>Human weakness for the Mosaic Law to rescue man from the power of sin & death-- It plunges man into deeper despair & then God uses the Law to cause man to look for a redeemer.
As Paul looked at the Law he became more frustrated & exasperated causing him to look for the redeemer
Galatian 5:17-18 written before Romans "For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law."
Whether Paul is writing about himself as he was before coming to Christ or after- either way
There is a battle between the old nature and the New Nature
The old nature is present trying to bring up sinful desires, thoughts etc.
The old nature keeps sucking us down & dwells in us vs 20
Given a chance it will take over everything & enslave us
But now we have a new Master & Lord- so we don't have to yield to sin
Sincerity isn't enough TRYING just brings about Exasperation-- we can't win in the flesh
3.) The Exclamation
- word free- total deliverance
Body of this death-- we use our bodies to sin resulting in sin
through salvation or through the resurrection (could be either) Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ & through Him there is no condemnation & free from death
only grace can save- and through Jesus can we walk according to the Spirit- 8:4-5
The battle with the flesh intensifies after you become a Christian
It is not enoughto put a mask of Spiritual victory on
Though we may have peace, we still are in the midst of battle and there will be defeats
The battle will not be all victories or all defeats
Listen to the Message http://www.eaglecreekgbc.org/Home/SermonAudio/tabid/66/Default.aspx
Cowboys 38 Colts 35
The game was exciting but alas the Colts again come away with a loss. Let's face it this years team just isn't as good as we've come to expect. Yeah there have been alot of injuries and much adversity- more than their share -but this year the Colts are making mistakes that are just killing them. The biggest one in my opinion was when the defense stopped Dallas from scoring a touchdown late in the fourth quarter giving up just a field goal which put Dallas up by two with plenty of time on the clock but a stupid unsportsmanlike conduct call on the field goal attempt gave Dallas a first down instead and another chance at the touchdown which they scored and produced a two point conversion putting them up by 7.
Had the Colts been down by just the 2 points, as it should have been, they would have won in regulation when they marched down the field for their final touchdown.
I'm not going to complain about Reggie Wayne's dropped first down that would have kept a drive alive after the Colts got the ball first in OT- otherwise he had a great game.
Manning continues to press. No running game continues to lead to him throwing when he probably shouldn't and again it led to bad interceptions including 2 more pick 6s.
What a disappointment. These little recaps are getting more difficult to write after losses.
We have certainly been spoiled over the past 10 years.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday Message, Bolts 36 Colts 14
"Married To Another
Romans 7:1-12
Pastor Paul Woodruff
The Gospel is the opposite of merit based on performance
This concept is even hard for Christians to grasp
We often measure God's approval by how we are doing and our performance
There is never a time, either before or after salvation that God's blessing is based on our performance
When we realize our relationship with God is based on a Love relationship instead then we are liberated
Neither Justification or Sanctiication is Law Based (performance)
1. Paul illustrates our release from the Law
--- uses the marriage relationship as an illustration
When a woman's husband dies, he no longer has jurisdiction over her- she is free
Death ends the relationship- she can marry another
We have died to the Law through Jesus Christ-- We're Free
The Law has no more requirement of us
Romans 8:3-4 "For what the law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, so that the requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."
This was troubling to the Jews-- They wanted to stay married to the Law
It was shocking to them that righteousness didn't come through the law.
The Law arouses sinful passions-- Rom 7:5
Their response-- Is the Law sinful?
2. Paul's vindication of the Law
Rom 7:12-- The Law Is Holy, Righteous and Good
Nothing wrong with it
What is its purpose?
1. The Law Reveals the true nature of sin
--Rebellion against God & how serious it is vs 13
Paul came to this conclusion from his own struggle with covetousness
2. The Law exposes sin for what it is
-- It reveals the sin of anger concluding in murder
-- it reveals the sin of lust concluding in adultery
3. The Law reveals Man's Animosity for God
-- when something is forbidden- we tend to seek it out
The problem is with the heart not the Law
The Law is Good but it is weak
"Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith" Galatians 3:24
Believers have been widowed & now are free having been remarried to serve in newness of Spirit- to Christ-- A Marriage made in Heaven.
Because we are married to our Lord
1. We share in His Person
we take His Name- CHRISTIAN-- (CHRIST ONE)
His name is above every name
2. We Share in His Position
Eph 2:6 - seated in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus
3. We share in His Possessions
Eph 2:7 "The surpassing riches of his Grace"
1 Corinthians 3:21-- all things belong to us
4. We Share In His Power
Rom 7:4- the Power of His Resurrection
5. We come under His Protection
He will never leave us or forsake us
San Diego 36- Indianapolis 14
YUK! That's all i Have to say.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Patriots 31 Colts 28, Sunday message
I really didn't want this game to eat me up but it found a way. My expectation going in was the Colts would have a difficult time and I was just hoping they would have a respectable showing. Throughout the game that was what it appeared was going to happen. Then in the fourth quarter the Colts really came alive and had a chance to win at the end of the game before Peyton Manning threw a game ending interception. It was his third of the game. In spite of the picks he played an outstanding game nearly pulling off the upset. Manning was understandably upset afterwards taking the blame for the 3 bad throws. This though was a team loss. The defense couldn't stop the Patriots until the 4th quarter. Special teams failed to give the Colts any kind of field position. Again Austin Collie went out in the first quarter because the Colts were being careful with their young receiver not risking him to further injury. And of course, the player I so love to be annoyed with, Ryan Deem, again failed to hold back the right sided rush of the Patriots well enough and got called with another penalty during a crucial drive. If they had lost in a way I expected them to it would have been an easier pill to swallow.
Sunday Message
"Victory Over Sin"
Romans 6:15-23
by Pastor Paul Woodruff
the question- Shall we committ sin now that we are under Grace? Paul's response NO!
Thanks Be to God- The Victory is already Won vs 17
WERE Slaves of Sin- Past tense vs17, 20
Romans 8:1 "Therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"
The Prospect of Victory over Sin vs 15-23
Victory in the battle over sin's desire to master us
v12- Don't let sin reign v14 Sin won't be master
Every command to not sin carries with it the prospect for victory
The Grace of God gives me the victory over sin & no sin is so powerful it can't be defeated by the grace of God
I Can Sin Less in This life & Have More Victories Over It
The Profit In Victory Over Sin
We were slaves to Sin - Now Free
John 8: 34-36 "Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son does remain forever. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed."
The Benfit-- As Sinners we reap the deeds of the flesh - immorality, impurity, enmities, strife etc Galatians5:18-21
-- As Believers the Benefits are- Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control- Gal 18:22-23
The principle of Victory over Sin
vs 18 we will serve 1 or the other-- if not sin then God which results in sanctification vs 19
Sin masters the unbeliever
1st- willingly obey sin, thus presenting ones body as object of impurity reasulting in further lawlessness- Sin Masters drawing further into sin.--vs vs 19 DOWNWARD SPIRAL
When we sin it dulls our conscience & clouds our reason & stimulates more sin.
When we willingly obey God each step of obedience strengthens ourselves in sanctification and we grow stronger and become seperated from sin.
The Power for Victory Over Sin
The Power Comes from God
1. "Let Go & Let God" view or the Passive view
2. The Discipline view
Really should be God's Power working in our faith
As I Depend on God, He will enable me to have the power needed
PSALM 119: 133 ""Establish my footsteps in Your word, And do not let any iniquity have dominion over me."
don't let any sin have any power over me
Every step I take contributes to strengthening or weakening me
To listen to the message go to:
Pick an area of life where you want see victory and commit it to god to bring the victory
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thriller of the Week- Warning Shadows

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Metropolis 1927
Freder and Maria (The wonderful Brigitte Helm who would play both the good girl as well as the robotic bad girl)
Numerous attempts had been made to restore the film starting in the 1980s. My admiration for Metropolis began with a 1984 restoration by Giorgio Moroder. Moroder was able to restore some of the missing scenes and interspersed stills and art to fill in for some of the missing footage. Most of all he introduced a soundtrack made up of pop/ rock music from contemporary artists like Queen and Pat Benatar. The music added a whole new life to the film and helped move the story along in spite of the missing footage.
(The vast underground machines run by the downtrodden workers of Metropolis)
In 2008 a copy of the film was discovered in Argentina. This copy though in very rough shape, contained nearly every minute of lost footage. It was sent to the Murnau Foundation and the additional footage was spliced back into the 2001 edition and for the first time since 1927 Metropolis was presented as originally intended by Fritz Lang.
(Rotwang and the machine-man prior to giving it the image of Maria)
The added footage is essential for this story. The film is much more fluid. It transitions appropriately but best of all so much more is revealed. New subplots are revealed. New characters are introduced. Characters are more complex. The character of Rotwang, for example, is merely a mad scientist in the previous versions, but in this restored version his motivations, and how they effect his relationship with Joh Fredersen, the manager of Metropolis, are revealed. I will refrain from telling more details and plot points here as I wouldn't want to spoil any piece of this incredible movie.
(Who is this mysterious figure not seen since the film was orginally presented)
If you desire to read more about the plot and other aspects of the film, the Wikipedia entry is well put together.
For more on the film and the new restoration go to
Next week a return to 1923
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday Message, Colts 23 Bengals 17
Romans 6
by Pastor Paul Woodruff
Paul's response to "Shall we sin"--"MAY IT NEVER BE!' "GOD FORBID!"
Chapters 6-9- Paul explains our Sanctification 6:19, 22
God doesn't cause us to live in sin but He Delivers Us Fron Sin's Power to Live For Him
Justifying Grace says all our sins are paid for & guarantees Eternal Life
Romans 6:1--Paul anticipates the abuse of Grace-- He is shocked.
Paul sees sinning so grace can increase as a moral impossibility
We can't continue in the same lifestyle since we have died to it.
TITUS 2:11-15
Grace instructs us & moves us into the realm of sanctification- purifying us
We Have to Know What Has Happened to Us
doesn't mean we won't sin-- it means we are dead to the relationship we once had with sin.
vs 20--Sin had been our master we were its slave
Now we are free
We've been seperated from our state in Adam
When Did This Happen?
vs 3 This Baptism is a reality not a symbol- not water baptism
This is Spirit Baptism--1Corinthians 12:13- takes place when one believes
Colossians 1:13 happens at Spirit Baptism
Taken out of Adam & into Christ
Why Did This Happen?
vs 4, 13
So we might walk in newness of Life
Eph 4 This is not sin nature but the old self which has died
We are now different- Alive in Christ- A new creation- so we don't continue in sin
We Can't Live the way we once did.
None of us live like we ought to live, but we're not where we once were
There has been a change- Sin is now a burden where we once enjoyed it.
This should bring Comfort, a Challenge & Caution
Because Christ died for me living a life of sinfulness should bring moral outrage from within.
To Listen to the message go to
Colts 23- Bengals 17
The Colts didn't so much win this game; The Bengals lost it.
The M.A.S.H. unit called the Indianapolis Colts managed to hold off Cincinnati to bring their record to 6-3 and coupled with a Tennessee Titans loss to Miami gain sole possession of first place in the AFC South.
Five turnovers brought down the Bengals as the Colts offense struggled. Only 2 wide receivers(Reggie Wayne & Pierre Garcon) who were on the roster at the beginning of the season dressed for this game. Austin Collie (concussion) & Anthony Gonzales (Knee & on IR) watched from the sidelines along with TE Dallas Clark. Give Jacob Tamme credit for another excellent effort subbing for the all-pro Clark. The number 1 & 3 running backs (Joseph Addai & Mike Hart) watched also. This doesn't lead to much continuity and rhythm in an offense that thrives on it.
Undoubtedly, bringing players in late in the week to fill in for the injured disrupts practice and in an offense like the Colts practice is so very necessary. It also means players like Garcon need to do a better job of catching the ball. Way too many dropped passes in this game
The defense was also depleted by injury. The top 2 linebackers (Gary Brackett & Clint Session) had to sit out because of injury and the defense has been short in the secondary with Bob Sanders and Melvin Bullitt out as well as Nickel Back (Justin Tryon). The Colts did get CB Jerraud Powers back and that is important as the defense appears to be much better when he's in the game. The defense picked it up and key plays were made by guys who weren't even on this team at the beginning of the season.
The Colts continue to scratch & claw, surviving until the starters can get healthy. Next Week at New England
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday Message 11/7/10
by Pastor Paul Woodruff
Romans 5:12-21
2 Men of Destiny ADAM JESUS
2 responses Disobedience Obedience
2 Consequences Death unto all men Life unto all men
In Adam All Die-- In Christ All Live-- Who Are You In?
Those in ADAM
1 Cor 15:45-47 "So also it is written, 'The first man, Adam, became a life-giving spirit. However, the spiritual is not first, but natural; then the spiritual. The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second man is from heaven."-- Prior to being a living being, Adam was dirt.
Historical act of disobedience is recorded in Genesis 2-3
-- Adam disobeyed God's clear command-- he made the choice to put his will over God's command
All sin begins when we are unwilling to listen to God.
This disobedience brought sin into the world &
Death came into the world through Adam's sin-- Sin & Death work hand in hand
Death is the penalty for sin
side note: (There can be no pre-adamic race because since death came into the world through Adam's sin no one could have died before Adam)
Romans 5:12 "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned--"
Adam the representative of the human race let sin & death touch everyone
We are born with a sin nature- our inheritance being born in Adam
Think about it. No one has to teach a child how to lie, how to be selfish or how to throw fits.
It comes naturally.- We are born with a sin nature.
By being born we inherit a sin nature guaranteeing we will sin & then die
This death is both physical and Spiritual
When Adam sinned, he died spiritually on the spot and was seperated from God
His physical death came much later.
Phillipians 2:8 "Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross."
Romans 5:18 picks up where 5: 12 left off.
Jesus is the Remedy
In Jesus we reap the abundant gifts of God
a sinner made righteous
Condemnation for a single sin Justification (blots out a multitude of sin)
Die Live & Reign
get what you deserve Abounding Grace
vs 17 those who receive are the many in the latter part of vs 19
this passage doesn't teach universal salvation-- it is a gift to those who believe
Man earns his condemnation but one receives the gift of eternal life by being born again in Christ
1. The Terrible consequences of Sin
--Adam listened to the voice of temptation
Satan said "you surely shall not die"
--Sin always carries greater consequences than we think
Don't listen to it
2. The Wonderful Prospects of Grace
-- The Lord will bring those who receive to abundant life
3. The powerful message for the world
people are in sorrow & depression- troubled because of sin & death
Those who know Christ have the remedy
Romans 10:14-15
To Listen to the message go to:
Eagles 26 Infirmary er Colts 24
The Colts on the other hand are the most beat up team in Football. They added Clint Session to the already long list of wounded and unable to play for this game. Other players who couldn't play that started last week were Running Back Mike Hart, Corner Justin Tryon and Anthony Gonzales is now out for the season with a knee injury. This on a list that includes Dallas Clark, Joseph Addai, Jerraud Powers and Melvin Bullit and Bob Sanders.
Donald Brown is trying to come back from injury but doesn't look 100% leaving 4th string running back Javaris James to do a lot of the heavy lifting.
In addition, Austin Collie suffered a concussion late in the first half after he was knocked unconscious after a devastating hit by the Eagles secondary (The hit looked legal in spite of the penalty, by the way.) Collie had to be carried off on a stretcher but later it was reported he was sitting up and alert.
How much more can one team take.
The Colts didn't do theselves any favors by spotting the Eagles 10 points, but they fought back to gain a 17-16 lead at half time. Unfortunately big plays did the Colts in. They played with heart (not Hart) and had a slim chance at the end with 43 seconds left but were unable to make the plays to get downfield for a chance at a field goal and the game was over when Manning was picked off on a 4th and very long with 3 seconds remaining.
Fortunately for the Colts, they remain tied with Tennessee for first in the division at 5- 3 as Houston lost to San Diego. No one is pulling away in the AFC as New England also lost leaving them with 2 losses.
The Colts do need to heal fast or this season will soon get away from them.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thriller- The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923
The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923
Dir: Wallace Worsley
Starring: Lon Chaney
with: Patsey Ruth Miller
To say The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a horror movie is in reality a stretch. It should be considered more rightly a historical drama. Nevertheless, it has been thought of as a horror movie for some time. I even had the Aurora monster model of the Hunchback as a kid. Need there be more proof.
The story takes place during the reign of Louis the IX in Paris. The Hunchback is the bellringer at the cathedral of Notre Dame. As the title cards declare, he is "Deaf- half blind-shut off from his fellow men by his defornities. The bells were the only voice of his groping soul." Another card declared "To the townspeople he was an inhuman freak, a monsterous joke of nature-- and for their jeers he gave them scorn and bitter hate." Lon Chaney did a remarkable job playing both of these Quasimodo traits. He was able to aptly portray the tortured sympathetic hunchback and at the same time give Quasimodo a resultant hatred for those he was in conflict with.
Chaney's makeup for Quasimodo is famous including a reported 40-70 pound hump he carried on his back. Chaney's athleticism again is showcased as he climbs ropes and leaps around with the added weight-- a truly remarkable performance.
The film tries to include the many subplots of Victor Hugo's novel, including the mad woman who 's child had been kidnapped by gypsies and turns out to be Esmeralda's long lost mother.
Another subplot centered around Clopin the "King of the Beggars" who leads the townspeople to a revolt and a stampede of the cathedral.
But the main crust of the film surrounds the beautiful Esmeralda, played by Patsey Ruth Miller, and the trio of men who all desire her.
Jehan lusted after Esmeralda, Quasimodo loved her for the kindness she showed him and Phoebus, a soldier, fell in love with her at first sight and she returned her love to him.
A particularly famous and moving scene involves Quasimodo after being sentenced to flogging is chained to a wheel in the center of town and he is beaten. The scourging and Quasimodo's cry out of "I Thirst" might cause some to recall Christ's scourging. It is Esmeralda who takes drink to the beaten hunchback.
The story depicts the injustice of the king's court again when after Jehan stabs Phoebus, Esmeralda is framed for the crime and she is "put to the question" as was synonomous with middle ages torture. She eventually confesses to the crime under torture and it is up to Quasimodo to rescue her from her fate.
The movie was considered a "Super Jewell" for Universal and became a super success in 1923.
Irving Thalberg was behind the production and he "had to convince Carl Laemmle to approve a number of Cinematic firsts: a six month shooting schedule; nineteen acres of sets, including streets with real cobblestones and a cathedral facade built to last; the hiring of a thousand technicians and the rental of every arc light in Hollywood for the filming of hundreds of extras in the biggest night-for-night scenes yet staged; a weekly salary of $2,500 for Chaney; and the unheard of budget of $1,250,00."1
1. Hollywood Gothic from Gothic to Cosmic, Mark A Vieira, 2003, Henry N Abrams Inc.
Election 2010
Exit polls from Tuesday's election show a growing number of persons identifying themselves as conservative. 41 % of the voters call themselves conservative, 39% moderate and 20% liberal
These numbers reflect what pollsters like Gallup & Rasmussen have been finding. More Americans now identify themselves as conservative than at anytime in modern history.
This surely was played out in the elections Tuesday. It appears the GOP picked up over 60 seats (61 at last count)in the House of Representatives thus becoming the majority and picked up 6 seats in the Senate decreasing the Democrats advantage to 53 -47. These were truly huge in scope. Many republicans lament that more seats could have been taken in the Senate but a 6 seat gain is double what would have been expected in a normal election. More importantly for Republicans was the number of Governors and statehouses that swung to their side particularly in key battleground states like Ohio and Pennsylvania. The U.S. map appears to have returned to what it looked like prior to 2006. Alot of blue in the northeast and along the west coast but Red across the heartland.
So, Why did this happen? Clearly this has to be a repudiation of the policies being pushed forward by President Obama and what has been for 4 years a left of center congress. The majority of Americans have been against Obamacare, the stimulus package and the cap and trade energy policies which were shoved forward in spite of the public disenchantment. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid ridiculed the public time and again for the public opposition. Democrats continually showed how out of touch our elected officials were with their constituents. In spite of what he says, Obama spoke to americans over and over trying to sell his health care plan and americans rejected it. Yet, Pelosi, Reid and the President did everything they could to garner votes for the legislation. The back room deals to force this legislation upon us angered americans across the country. The arrogance of the White House and Congress was appalling.
The United States has shown to be a center-right country and President Obama and Congress have governed far left of center. The past two years he has appeared to move the United States closer to the European Socialist model which has nearly caused the economic collapse of Europe. The Europeans are discovering the error of their ways and are pulling back from their policies of the past 20 years while Obama has wanted to steer us toward their failed agenda. Tuesday Americans rejected this over reliance on government to solve our problems.
Conservatives believe more power should be invested in the individual, not in government. Free markets need to be allowed to do what they do in order to create growth and job creation. Both sorely needed in the current economic climate.
Obama's incompetence in the face of Crisis hasn't helped his standing with the american people. This was best illustrated during the Oil disaster in the Gulf. Time and again, he mishandled the situation. Obama hasn't had the luxury of being a governor or holding any other administrative position for that matter and it clearly was evident.
How will Obama govern during the next two years? We shall see. Will he be like President Clinton, when during his first mid-term suffered similar defeats, and moderated his policies and worked with the more conservative congress to "End welfare as we know it" and state "The era of big government is over"or will he try to find more nefarious ways to further his more liberal agenda using executive orders? Time will tell.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Colt's Recap

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Sunday Message 10-31-10
"Blessed Assurance"
Romans 5:1-11
Message by Pastor Paul Woodruf
Romans 1-4 Doctrine of Justification by Faith
Romans 5-8 The Results of Justification by Faith
We can know with absolute certainty that we are saved and have eternal life
1 Jn 5:13 "These things I have written to you who believe in the anme of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life"
3 Great Truths That Give Us The Blessed Assurance
1.) We Have the Blessed Assurance of Peace With God 5:1
This is about FACT not FEELING
Christ's sacrifice satisfied God's Justice
The Sin issue is over for those who have put their faith in Christ-- an objective fact
Ephesians 2:14 "For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall"
Colssians 1:19-23
Colossians 1:19-20 "For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross;"
2.) We Have the Blessed Assurance of the Glory of God 5:2
We are standing in Grace before the Father
Eph 2:18 "for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to The Father"
Jude 24- We shall stand blameless before God with great Joy
Our hope is a confident expectation of Glory Heb 3:6
Rom 8:29-30
vs 3 Because we know- we exalt in tribulation knowing it proves our character & proves the genuineness of our Faith
3.) Blessed Assurance of the Love of God vs 5
God's love doesn't depend upon us.
vs 6-10-- Though we were sinners and unlovable God still loses us
God shows us on Calvary the proof of His love for us.
His love for us isn't related to our works either before or after we are saved
Nothing can seperate us from God's love Romans 8:31-39
To Listen to the message go to:
Thriller of the Week-- HAXAN

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In 1979 Werner Herzog brought his vision of Nosferatu to the screen. The film is highly regarded but most critics say it falls short of its predecessor. I disagree. Herzog himself considers the original to be Germany's greatest film. The 79 film is a tremendous stylized version that returns the film's characters to their intended names but rarely departs from the storyline though adding more soul to the characters.

Herzog uses lighting to create a dreamlike atmosphere throughout the film. His use of lighting and shadows build tension and signal time for thought. During the opening credit sequence as Herzog pans the camera across a line mummified bodies with the music from Popol Vul's "On The Way" being played we are haunted by the melancholy theme that will be oft repeated throughout the film. Herzog pulls lighting and sound together in a wonderful scene wher Harker ascends a mountain on his way to Dracula's castle. Wagner's Rheingold Prelude is heard and the day turns to night. Herzog uses bright colors early in the film and the colors turn dark as the movie slowly moves from one world into another. Herzog's use of symbolism wasn't lost when he used the ship containing Dracula's coffins slowly flowing into the canal of the town of Wismar to indicate the arrival of death. Dracula was the bringer of plague with his 11,00 rats. Upon Dracula's arrival Renefield declares Dracula as the lord of the Rats.
There is one particular effective scene where Herzog uses the angle of shooting to have Dracula creep up on Lucy who is looking into a mirror and see Dracula's shadow yet no reflection of the vampire as he closes in on her. He used no special effects to accomplish this intensity. While Lucy is looking in the mirror, a door opens. Dracula's shadow is evident but because the vampire casts no reflection, Dracula cannot be seen. When the door closes, the shadow remains and moves in on Lucy until Dracula is revealed at her side but never in the mirror.
There are a number of differences between Stoker's novel and Nosferatu. One being the clear deemphasis of Van Helsing. He is not the believer we see in the book and subsquent movies. In one scene he is in debate with Lucy stating "This is an enlightened century. Science has refuted the superstitions you're talking about." Lucy claims "Faith is the faculty in men which enables us to believe in things we know to be untrue." as she pleads for Van Helsing to help her destroy Dracula.
Lucy, played by Isabelle Adjani, is clearly the protagonist of the film. Her interaction with Dracula is memorable.
Referring to death taking Jonathan, Lucy says, "Death surrounds us we're all at His will...only death is certain; only death is cruel."
Dracula: "Death is cruelty to the unsuspecting but that's not what I perceive as cruel. Cruel is when you can't die even if you want to. Give me some of your love which you give Jonathan."
Lucy: "I never will"
Dracula goes on trying to bargain with her, telling her he will give Jonathan back to her if she will give her love to him.
Lucy:" The power of my love will bring him back to me, and you may be assured even the unthinkable will not deter me that you want to lay for me" At this point her cross is revealed and Dracula departs.
Lucy reads in Jonathan's book And if a pure hearted woman diverts his attention from the cry of the cock, the first light of day will obliterate him. referring to the vampire.
Lucy takes it upon herself to rid her world of the plague Dracula has brought by sacrificing herself.
Herzog's vision of the story has one final twist as Jonathan fully succombs to Dracula's will and becomes a vampire himself to carry on the Count's terror.
I can't finish my thoughts on Nosferatu without mentioning the 2001 film Shadow of the Vampire. John Malkovich and Willem Dafoe headline the film starring as F.W. Murnau and Max Shreck respectively in a fictional account of the making of Nosferatu. The back cover of the dvd box states: "In his quest to create a vampire film to die for F.W. Murau hires the mysterious Max Schreck to play Count Orlock in his masterpiece, Nosferatu. Murnau introduces Schreck as 'The ultimate method actor'- one who will appear only in character, in full makeup and only at night. But as the cast and crew begin to disappear, it appears that Murnau has made a devil's bargain with Shreck."
Monday, October 25, 2010
A Different Kind of Worship Experience
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sickness delays Colts recap and weekly thriller

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Concept of Horror in The Doctor Who Universe Part 3: Monsters
It was inevitable that a fantasy program such as Doctor Who would come to rely on monsters to send children behind the sofa and increase ratings.
Many of the 180 Doctor Who monsters listed on Wikipedia shouldn't be considered monsters at all. Many alien races like the Draconians are articulate, sophisticated and culturally advanced. The Forest of Cheem from The End of the World are direct descendents from the tropical rain forest and are noble and good. Yet, sadly, these are considered monsters in most listings simply because of their appearance