Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday Message, Bolts 36 Colts 14
"Married To Another
Romans 7:1-12
Pastor Paul Woodruff
The Gospel is the opposite of merit based on performance
This concept is even hard for Christians to grasp
We often measure God's approval by how we are doing and our performance
There is never a time, either before or after salvation that God's blessing is based on our performance
When we realize our relationship with God is based on a Love relationship instead then we are liberated
Neither Justification or Sanctiication is Law Based (performance)
1. Paul illustrates our release from the Law
--- uses the marriage relationship as an illustration
When a woman's husband dies, he no longer has jurisdiction over her- she is free
Death ends the relationship- she can marry another
We have died to the Law through Jesus Christ-- We're Free
The Law has no more requirement of us
Romans 8:3-4 "For what the law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, so that the requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."
This was troubling to the Jews-- They wanted to stay married to the Law
It was shocking to them that righteousness didn't come through the law.
The Law arouses sinful passions-- Rom 7:5
Their response-- Is the Law sinful?
2. Paul's vindication of the Law
Rom 7:12-- The Law Is Holy, Righteous and Good
Nothing wrong with it
What is its purpose?
1. The Law Reveals the true nature of sin
--Rebellion against God & how serious it is vs 13
Paul came to this conclusion from his own struggle with covetousness
2. The Law exposes sin for what it is
-- It reveals the sin of anger concluding in murder
-- it reveals the sin of lust concluding in adultery
3. The Law reveals Man's Animosity for God
-- when something is forbidden- we tend to seek it out
The problem is with the heart not the Law
The Law is Good but it is weak
"Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith" Galatians 3:24
Believers have been widowed & now are free having been remarried to serve in newness of Spirit- to Christ-- A Marriage made in Heaven.
Because we are married to our Lord
1. We share in His Person
we take His Name- CHRISTIAN-- (CHRIST ONE)
His name is above every name
2. We Share in His Position
Eph 2:6 - seated in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus
3. We share in His Possessions
Eph 2:7 "The surpassing riches of his Grace"
1 Corinthians 3:21-- all things belong to us
4. We Share In His Power
Rom 7:4- the Power of His Resurrection
5. We come under His Protection
He will never leave us or forsake us
San Diego 36- Indianapolis 14
YUK! That's all i Have to say.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Patriots 31 Colts 28, Sunday message
I really didn't want this game to eat me up but it found a way. My expectation going in was the Colts would have a difficult time and I was just hoping they would have a respectable showing. Throughout the game that was what it appeared was going to happen. Then in the fourth quarter the Colts really came alive and had a chance to win at the end of the game before Peyton Manning threw a game ending interception. It was his third of the game. In spite of the picks he played an outstanding game nearly pulling off the upset. Manning was understandably upset afterwards taking the blame for the 3 bad throws. This though was a team loss. The defense couldn't stop the Patriots until the 4th quarter. Special teams failed to give the Colts any kind of field position. Again Austin Collie went out in the first quarter because the Colts were being careful with their young receiver not risking him to further injury. And of course, the player I so love to be annoyed with, Ryan Deem, again failed to hold back the right sided rush of the Patriots well enough and got called with another penalty during a crucial drive. If they had lost in a way I expected them to it would have been an easier pill to swallow.
Sunday Message
"Victory Over Sin"
Romans 6:15-23
by Pastor Paul Woodruff
the question- Shall we committ sin now that we are under Grace? Paul's response NO!
Thanks Be to God- The Victory is already Won vs 17
WERE Slaves of Sin- Past tense vs17, 20
Romans 8:1 "Therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"
The Prospect of Victory over Sin vs 15-23
Victory in the battle over sin's desire to master us
v12- Don't let sin reign v14 Sin won't be master
Every command to not sin carries with it the prospect for victory
The Grace of God gives me the victory over sin & no sin is so powerful it can't be defeated by the grace of God
I Can Sin Less in This life & Have More Victories Over It
The Profit In Victory Over Sin
We were slaves to Sin - Now Free
John 8: 34-36 "Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son does remain forever. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed."
The Benfit-- As Sinners we reap the deeds of the flesh - immorality, impurity, enmities, strife etc Galatians5:18-21
-- As Believers the Benefits are- Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control- Gal 18:22-23
The principle of Victory over Sin
vs 18 we will serve 1 or the other-- if not sin then God which results in sanctification vs 19
Sin masters the unbeliever
1st- willingly obey sin, thus presenting ones body as object of impurity reasulting in further lawlessness- Sin Masters drawing further into sin.--vs vs 19 DOWNWARD SPIRAL
When we sin it dulls our conscience & clouds our reason & stimulates more sin.
When we willingly obey God each step of obedience strengthens ourselves in sanctification and we grow stronger and become seperated from sin.
The Power for Victory Over Sin
The Power Comes from God
1. "Let Go & Let God" view or the Passive view
2. The Discipline view
Really should be God's Power working in our faith
As I Depend on God, He will enable me to have the power needed
PSALM 119: 133 ""Establish my footsteps in Your word, And do not let any iniquity have dominion over me."
don't let any sin have any power over me
Every step I take contributes to strengthening or weakening me
To listen to the message go to:
Pick an area of life where you want see victory and commit it to god to bring the victory
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thriller of the Week- Warning Shadows

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Metropolis 1927
Freder and Maria (The wonderful Brigitte Helm who would play both the good girl as well as the robotic bad girl)
Numerous attempts had been made to restore the film starting in the 1980s. My admiration for Metropolis began with a 1984 restoration by Giorgio Moroder. Moroder was able to restore some of the missing scenes and interspersed stills and art to fill in for some of the missing footage. Most of all he introduced a soundtrack made up of pop/ rock music from contemporary artists like Queen and Pat Benatar. The music added a whole new life to the film and helped move the story along in spite of the missing footage.
(The vast underground machines run by the downtrodden workers of Metropolis)
In 2008 a copy of the film was discovered in Argentina. This copy though in very rough shape, contained nearly every minute of lost footage. It was sent to the Murnau Foundation and the additional footage was spliced back into the 2001 edition and for the first time since 1927 Metropolis was presented as originally intended by Fritz Lang.
(Rotwang and the machine-man prior to giving it the image of Maria)
The added footage is essential for this story. The film is much more fluid. It transitions appropriately but best of all so much more is revealed. New subplots are revealed. New characters are introduced. Characters are more complex. The character of Rotwang, for example, is merely a mad scientist in the previous versions, but in this restored version his motivations, and how they effect his relationship with Joh Fredersen, the manager of Metropolis, are revealed. I will refrain from telling more details and plot points here as I wouldn't want to spoil any piece of this incredible movie.
(Who is this mysterious figure not seen since the film was orginally presented)
If you desire to read more about the plot and other aspects of the film, the Wikipedia entry is well put together.
For more on the film and the new restoration go to
Next week a return to 1923
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday Message, Colts 23 Bengals 17
Romans 6
by Pastor Paul Woodruff
Paul's response to "Shall we sin"--"MAY IT NEVER BE!' "GOD FORBID!"
Chapters 6-9- Paul explains our Sanctification 6:19, 22
God doesn't cause us to live in sin but He Delivers Us Fron Sin's Power to Live For Him
Justifying Grace says all our sins are paid for & guarantees Eternal Life
Romans 6:1--Paul anticipates the abuse of Grace-- He is shocked.
Paul sees sinning so grace can increase as a moral impossibility
We can't continue in the same lifestyle since we have died to it.
TITUS 2:11-15
Grace instructs us & moves us into the realm of sanctification- purifying us
We Have to Know What Has Happened to Us
doesn't mean we won't sin-- it means we are dead to the relationship we once had with sin.
vs 20--Sin had been our master we were its slave
Now we are free
We've been seperated from our state in Adam
When Did This Happen?
vs 3 This Baptism is a reality not a symbol- not water baptism
This is Spirit Baptism--1Corinthians 12:13- takes place when one believes
Colossians 1:13 happens at Spirit Baptism
Taken out of Adam & into Christ
Why Did This Happen?
vs 4, 13
So we might walk in newness of Life
Eph 4 This is not sin nature but the old self which has died
We are now different- Alive in Christ- A new creation- so we don't continue in sin
We Can't Live the way we once did.
None of us live like we ought to live, but we're not where we once were
There has been a change- Sin is now a burden where we once enjoyed it.
This should bring Comfort, a Challenge & Caution
Because Christ died for me living a life of sinfulness should bring moral outrage from within.
To Listen to the message go to
Colts 23- Bengals 17
The Colts didn't so much win this game; The Bengals lost it.
The M.A.S.H. unit called the Indianapolis Colts managed to hold off Cincinnati to bring their record to 6-3 and coupled with a Tennessee Titans loss to Miami gain sole possession of first place in the AFC South.
Five turnovers brought down the Bengals as the Colts offense struggled. Only 2 wide receivers(Reggie Wayne & Pierre Garcon) who were on the roster at the beginning of the season dressed for this game. Austin Collie (concussion) & Anthony Gonzales (Knee & on IR) watched from the sidelines along with TE Dallas Clark. Give Jacob Tamme credit for another excellent effort subbing for the all-pro Clark. The number 1 & 3 running backs (Joseph Addai & Mike Hart) watched also. This doesn't lead to much continuity and rhythm in an offense that thrives on it.
Undoubtedly, bringing players in late in the week to fill in for the injured disrupts practice and in an offense like the Colts practice is so very necessary. It also means players like Garcon need to do a better job of catching the ball. Way too many dropped passes in this game
The defense was also depleted by injury. The top 2 linebackers (Gary Brackett & Clint Session) had to sit out because of injury and the defense has been short in the secondary with Bob Sanders and Melvin Bullitt out as well as Nickel Back (Justin Tryon). The Colts did get CB Jerraud Powers back and that is important as the defense appears to be much better when he's in the game. The defense picked it up and key plays were made by guys who weren't even on this team at the beginning of the season.
The Colts continue to scratch & claw, surviving until the starters can get healthy. Next Week at New England
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday Message 11/7/10
by Pastor Paul Woodruff
Romans 5:12-21
2 Men of Destiny ADAM JESUS
2 responses Disobedience Obedience
2 Consequences Death unto all men Life unto all men
In Adam All Die-- In Christ All Live-- Who Are You In?
Those in ADAM
1 Cor 15:45-47 "So also it is written, 'The first man, Adam, became a life-giving spirit. However, the spiritual is not first, but natural; then the spiritual. The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second man is from heaven."-- Prior to being a living being, Adam was dirt.
Historical act of disobedience is recorded in Genesis 2-3
-- Adam disobeyed God's clear command-- he made the choice to put his will over God's command
All sin begins when we are unwilling to listen to God.
This disobedience brought sin into the world &
Death came into the world through Adam's sin-- Sin & Death work hand in hand
Death is the penalty for sin
side note: (There can be no pre-adamic race because since death came into the world through Adam's sin no one could have died before Adam)
Romans 5:12 "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned--"
Adam the representative of the human race let sin & death touch everyone
We are born with a sin nature- our inheritance being born in Adam
Think about it. No one has to teach a child how to lie, how to be selfish or how to throw fits.
It comes naturally.- We are born with a sin nature.
By being born we inherit a sin nature guaranteeing we will sin & then die
This death is both physical and Spiritual
When Adam sinned, he died spiritually on the spot and was seperated from God
His physical death came much later.
Phillipians 2:8 "Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross."
Romans 5:18 picks up where 5: 12 left off.
Jesus is the Remedy
In Jesus we reap the abundant gifts of God
a sinner made righteous
Condemnation for a single sin Justification (blots out a multitude of sin)
Die Live & Reign
get what you deserve Abounding Grace
vs 17 those who receive are the many in the latter part of vs 19
this passage doesn't teach universal salvation-- it is a gift to those who believe
Man earns his condemnation but one receives the gift of eternal life by being born again in Christ
1. The Terrible consequences of Sin
--Adam listened to the voice of temptation
Satan said "you surely shall not die"
--Sin always carries greater consequences than we think
Don't listen to it
2. The Wonderful Prospects of Grace
-- The Lord will bring those who receive to abundant life
3. The powerful message for the world
people are in sorrow & depression- troubled because of sin & death
Those who know Christ have the remedy
Romans 10:14-15
To Listen to the message go to:
Eagles 26 Infirmary er Colts 24
The Colts on the other hand are the most beat up team in Football. They added Clint Session to the already long list of wounded and unable to play for this game. Other players who couldn't play that started last week were Running Back Mike Hart, Corner Justin Tryon and Anthony Gonzales is now out for the season with a knee injury. This on a list that includes Dallas Clark, Joseph Addai, Jerraud Powers and Melvin Bullit and Bob Sanders.
Donald Brown is trying to come back from injury but doesn't look 100% leaving 4th string running back Javaris James to do a lot of the heavy lifting.
In addition, Austin Collie suffered a concussion late in the first half after he was knocked unconscious after a devastating hit by the Eagles secondary (The hit looked legal in spite of the penalty, by the way.) Collie had to be carried off on a stretcher but later it was reported he was sitting up and alert.
How much more can one team take.
The Colts didn't do theselves any favors by spotting the Eagles 10 points, but they fought back to gain a 17-16 lead at half time. Unfortunately big plays did the Colts in. They played with heart (not Hart) and had a slim chance at the end with 43 seconds left but were unable to make the plays to get downfield for a chance at a field goal and the game was over when Manning was picked off on a 4th and very long with 3 seconds remaining.
Fortunately for the Colts, they remain tied with Tennessee for first in the division at 5- 3 as Houston lost to San Diego. No one is pulling away in the AFC as New England also lost leaving them with 2 losses.
The Colts do need to heal fast or this season will soon get away from them.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thriller- The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923
The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923
Dir: Wallace Worsley
Starring: Lon Chaney
with: Patsey Ruth Miller
To say The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a horror movie is in reality a stretch. It should be considered more rightly a historical drama. Nevertheless, it has been thought of as a horror movie for some time. I even had the Aurora monster model of the Hunchback as a kid. Need there be more proof.
The story takes place during the reign of Louis the IX in Paris. The Hunchback is the bellringer at the cathedral of Notre Dame. As the title cards declare, he is "Deaf- half blind-shut off from his fellow men by his defornities. The bells were the only voice of his groping soul." Another card declared "To the townspeople he was an inhuman freak, a monsterous joke of nature-- and for their jeers he gave them scorn and bitter hate." Lon Chaney did a remarkable job playing both of these Quasimodo traits. He was able to aptly portray the tortured sympathetic hunchback and at the same time give Quasimodo a resultant hatred for those he was in conflict with.
Chaney's makeup for Quasimodo is famous including a reported 40-70 pound hump he carried on his back. Chaney's athleticism again is showcased as he climbs ropes and leaps around with the added weight-- a truly remarkable performance.
The film tries to include the many subplots of Victor Hugo's novel, including the mad woman who 's child had been kidnapped by gypsies and turns out to be Esmeralda's long lost mother.
Another subplot centered around Clopin the "King of the Beggars" who leads the townspeople to a revolt and a stampede of the cathedral.
But the main crust of the film surrounds the beautiful Esmeralda, played by Patsey Ruth Miller, and the trio of men who all desire her.
Jehan lusted after Esmeralda, Quasimodo loved her for the kindness she showed him and Phoebus, a soldier, fell in love with her at first sight and she returned her love to him.
A particularly famous and moving scene involves Quasimodo after being sentenced to flogging is chained to a wheel in the center of town and he is beaten. The scourging and Quasimodo's cry out of "I Thirst" might cause some to recall Christ's scourging. It is Esmeralda who takes drink to the beaten hunchback.
The story depicts the injustice of the king's court again when after Jehan stabs Phoebus, Esmeralda is framed for the crime and she is "put to the question" as was synonomous with middle ages torture. She eventually confesses to the crime under torture and it is up to Quasimodo to rescue her from her fate.
The movie was considered a "Super Jewell" for Universal and became a super success in 1923.
Irving Thalberg was behind the production and he "had to convince Carl Laemmle to approve a number of Cinematic firsts: a six month shooting schedule; nineteen acres of sets, including streets with real cobblestones and a cathedral facade built to last; the hiring of a thousand technicians and the rental of every arc light in Hollywood for the filming of hundreds of extras in the biggest night-for-night scenes yet staged; a weekly salary of $2,500 for Chaney; and the unheard of budget of $1,250,00."1
1. Hollywood Gothic from Gothic to Cosmic, Mark A Vieira, 2003, Henry N Abrams Inc.
Election 2010
Exit polls from Tuesday's election show a growing number of persons identifying themselves as conservative. 41 % of the voters call themselves conservative, 39% moderate and 20% liberal
These numbers reflect what pollsters like Gallup & Rasmussen have been finding. More Americans now identify themselves as conservative than at anytime in modern history.
This surely was played out in the elections Tuesday. It appears the GOP picked up over 60 seats (61 at last count)in the House of Representatives thus becoming the majority and picked up 6 seats in the Senate decreasing the Democrats advantage to 53 -47. These were truly huge in scope. Many republicans lament that more seats could have been taken in the Senate but a 6 seat gain is double what would have been expected in a normal election. More importantly for Republicans was the number of Governors and statehouses that swung to their side particularly in key battleground states like Ohio and Pennsylvania. The U.S. map appears to have returned to what it looked like prior to 2006. Alot of blue in the northeast and along the west coast but Red across the heartland.
So, Why did this happen? Clearly this has to be a repudiation of the policies being pushed forward by President Obama and what has been for 4 years a left of center congress. The majority of Americans have been against Obamacare, the stimulus package and the cap and trade energy policies which were shoved forward in spite of the public disenchantment. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid ridiculed the public time and again for the public opposition. Democrats continually showed how out of touch our elected officials were with their constituents. In spite of what he says, Obama spoke to americans over and over trying to sell his health care plan and americans rejected it. Yet, Pelosi, Reid and the President did everything they could to garner votes for the legislation. The back room deals to force this legislation upon us angered americans across the country. The arrogance of the White House and Congress was appalling.
The United States has shown to be a center-right country and President Obama and Congress have governed far left of center. The past two years he has appeared to move the United States closer to the European Socialist model which has nearly caused the economic collapse of Europe. The Europeans are discovering the error of their ways and are pulling back from their policies of the past 20 years while Obama has wanted to steer us toward their failed agenda. Tuesday Americans rejected this over reliance on government to solve our problems.
Conservatives believe more power should be invested in the individual, not in government. Free markets need to be allowed to do what they do in order to create growth and job creation. Both sorely needed in the current economic climate.
Obama's incompetence in the face of Crisis hasn't helped his standing with the american people. This was best illustrated during the Oil disaster in the Gulf. Time and again, he mishandled the situation. Obama hasn't had the luxury of being a governor or holding any other administrative position for that matter and it clearly was evident.
How will Obama govern during the next two years? We shall see. Will he be like President Clinton, when during his first mid-term suffered similar defeats, and moderated his policies and worked with the more conservative congress to "End welfare as we know it" and state "The era of big government is over"or will he try to find more nefarious ways to further his more liberal agenda using executive orders? Time will tell.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Colt's Recap