Maurice came into my life about 30 years ago. He was a studious 4th grader who took part in the Sunday School class I taught at the Eagle Creek Grace Brethren Church. The class was filled with a crew of enjoyable but rowdy boys. There was something about Maurice that drew me to him. He was polite, studious and eager to learn. He was new to the church and was just learning to fit in, initially quiet and a bit reserved. All of those qualities made me want to reach out to him, but it was more that. I felt a connection with him. God laid a burden on my heart to befriend this young man.

I like to think I have had some influence on Maurice's life. I know he has had influence on mine. The most important part I played was introducing him to Jesus Christ. Maurice has remained faithful to God and has led others to the Lord himself and has counciled many in his various ministries.
I don't get to see Maurice as much as I would like. He leads an extremely busy life and I too have limited time for social gathering. I read his blog, which is very well crafted and I heartily endorse for those who want well thought out discussions on the issues. He is certainly his own man, and where once before we agreed on most everything, Maurice now has formulated opinions I sometimes question. I have concerns about his judgment at times just like every father has concerns for a son who ventures in a direction where peril might lay. But my confidence in Maurice is not diminished. He has pursued his goals steadfastly and is now seeing the fruit of his efforts.
Maurice has become an accomplished writer. He has won awards for his short stories written a novella Devil's Marionette and has co-authored the novella Orgy of Souls with Wrath James White and most recently signed a 3 book deal with Angry Robot a division of Harper Collins. The 3 books will comprise a trilogy telling the story of The Knights of Breton Court. Maurice has also edited, along with Jerry Gordon, an anthology Dark Faith for Apex Books.
I just completed King Maker Book 1 of The Knights of Breton Court and found it to be for the most part an enjoyable read and I look forward to book two King's Justice which I suspect will be better. The trilogy takes the King Arthur legend and superimposes it upon street gangs in Indianapolis. The story is very edgy and as the back cover declares "The Wire meets Excalibur in this stunning fantasy from the dark streets of inner city America".
The book is very well written. Maurice is adept at describing settings and the action that takes place. The dialogue he gives his characters is realistic, at least I think so. As a white suburbanite I can only assume the host of characters he introduces are realistic; at the very least most are engaging. Because of my cultural disconnect I did find some the book a little slow going, particularly the middle portion when Maurice spent a lot of time introducing many characters I found hard to identify with.
The book opens with the brief but legendary life of Luther White who "ran wild with robberies and number running" and who as Merle (a somewhat crazy appearing and mystical white man; a confidant of Luther) proclaims has the Pendragon spirit. The opening chapter ends with a climactic confrontation with Luther's rival, Green, who's trade was whores, drugs and murder. From there the book moves forward in time and focuses upon Luthor's son King James White and those who become his Knights and the rival Indianapolis gangs from Breton Court and the Phoenix apartments.
Maurice had to present alot of characters in the book, particularly when he has two more books in the series to populate. Personally, I found this slowing to the pace of the narrative. I would have preferred some of the time spent developing less consequential characters better spent on King, Lott and Merle. The natural development of the series would lead me to believe these characters will get far more attention in the next two novels. Though it was hard to relate to some of these incidental characters, I found interesting as I have met people, though they weren't drug dealers, who had similar personalities and found them just as disgusting as if they did sell drugs. In speaking to Maurice about this, he stated "Yeah, everyone knows a Junie." You'll have to read the book to meet Junie.
It took awhile for the book to come together for me but with about 100 pages to go it became a page turner. For many it may seem like the book took an abrupt genre shift but it worked for me.

Dark Faith a collection of 26 short stories and 5 poems edited by Maurice and Jerry Gordan is intended to explore the dark side of faith.
Though the stories I read were well written, I can't come out and say I endorse the anthology. In speaking to Maurice about my concerns, he admitted probably half of the authors of the stories are athiests. It's apparent.
Brian Keene is a Bram Stoker Award winner and I am familiar with his novels so I began with his I Sing A New Psalm. I have heard Mr. Keene speak a couple of times at Mo-Con and he admits to being angry at God. He doesn't deny God's existance and in his Novel The Rising, bucks
the cliche of presenting a pastor as evil and instead characterizes the pastor positively. Keene also shows he has a fairly good understanding of the Bible. Unfortunately, Keene, in this story let's his anger come out and the protagonist's faith fails him.
the cliche of presenting a pastor as evil and instead characterizes the pastor positively. Keene also shows he has a fairly good understanding of the Bible. Unfortunately, Keene, in this story let's his anger come out and the protagonist's faith fails him.
He Who Would not Bow is written by Wrath James White who has befriended Maurice and they have collaborated on previous works. Maurice and Wrath have completely different outlooks on faith. Wrath is definitely a nonbeliever and his story presents an apocalyptic tale where God has set up His kingdom on Earth and He rules like a tyrant. The story is told from the viewpoint of a dissenter who is part of a team out to bring God's kingdom down. Wrath's vision of God dismisses His Love, Mercy and Grace and Wrath appears to be one of those who has difficulty with a just God allowing terrible things to happen to good people.
The third story I read was Go Tell It On The Mountain from Kyle S Johnston. I can only describe this tale as blasphemous as it depicts Jesus as "a bored Santa Claus, watching the clock on the wall, waiting for closing time" as he greets a line of people pleaing for salvation as they await judgment. Jesus becomes chummy with the protagonist of the story, back slapping buddies. Jesus wants to be called Jeezy. The story presents Jesus as a guy with father issues with too much power and no idea what is going on.
At this point, I could read no more. I called Maurice and explained my problems and asked him if there were any stories in the book he could recommend that would not be offensive. Of those he directed me to, Gary A Braunbeck's For My Next Trick I'll Need a Volunteer was my favorite. The story is a science fiction It's a Wonderful life.
I wish the book would have contained more positive applications of faith in a dark world. Maurice has done this in many of his own stories and the inclusion of one would have been a nice addition to the collection. Positive depictions of people of faith in horror fiction has been around for a long time. I find it sad that authors now enjoy blurring the difference between good and evil leaving readers without a greater good to turn to.
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