Message Title: "Worthy of Death"
Romans 1:18-32
by Pastor Paul Woodruff
Theme of Romans- The Gospel of God Romans 1:16-17 Key Text
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH."
Diagnosis of the spiritual condition of mankind Romans 1:18- 3:20
Spiritually sick & terminally ill- all are worthy of death 3:20 and all are held without excuse
Love isn't mentioned until chapter 5
The wrath of God must be reckoned with in order to appreciate God's love.
vs 16 Humanity divided into 2 groups Jews- have the law / Greeks or Gentiles
All are sinners deserving God's wrath
Paul deals first with the gentiles
3 Reasons the Gentiles Deserve God's Wrath & Need a Savior
1. They denied the truth of God vs 18
Mankind's Ungodliness- Against the person of God-
1st half of 10 commandments dealt with this
Man's Unrighteousness is dealt with in the 2nd half od the Ten commndments
Ungodliness precedes unrighteousness
God has given us plenty of evidence to know about God in His creation
Ungodliness precedes unrighteousness
God has given us plenty of evidence to know about God in His creation
& if there is a creation then there has to be a creator
God created the world to reveal His glory-- PSalm 19:1
"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands."
Man misses this because man's heart is evil.--They suppress the truth because of sin
Romans 1:28 "And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."
They become haters of God vs 30
The creation doesn't tell you about the love of God-only that there is a God & His power
It is the work of God's Hand
Calvary is the work of God's Heart
The creation doesn't provide enough information to save only enough to condemn.
2.) They Distorted the Glory of God
The Glory God deserved had been shifted to the creature rather than the creator vs 23
The Idolatry of Man
Idolatry is anything that takes away from the glory God deserves
Idolatry is the direct result of turning one's back on God and His revealed Truth
3. They Defied the Law of God vs 3
Man has a since of right & the law put in his heart by God
-Man has a conscience put in his heart by God
- Man instinctively knows when something is wrong but does it anyway
-Man moves toward all forms of sexual immorality & God gives those over to a depraved mind vs 28
21 sins listed vs 29
We can all recognize our own sins here.
God gives men over to their own lusts because man doesn't want to have anything to do with Him
There is no debate with God-- Homosexuality is unnatural, and a perversion & God condemns it -vs 26-27
We now have God's revelation & we still sin and refuse to Honor God
Our world-applauds sin, trys to silence the truth, and move God out of our lives
Man exchanges The Glory of God for Idols & The Truth of God for Lies
> The beauty of God's Love
- In spite of our sins which God hates-- God gave His Son for those who Hate Him
> The reality of God's Holy Wrath Romans 2:4
- When man refuses God, Man stores up God's wrath for himself
> The Necessity of Sharing God's Gracious Gospel
- Man can only be saved by the Gospel
> The Gravity of Resisting God's Appeal
- The Place to deal with sin is to deal with God-- Get close to Him.
To Listen to the Message go to:
Colt's recap: Now That's More Like It Colts 38 Giants 14
It didn't take long to realize the Colts were out to reverse the performance of last week.
After the opening kickoff, they marched down the field and scored on a 7 yard run by Donald Brown.

Last week the Colts were run over. No such thing this week and The Colts ran all over the Giants. The Offensive line opened up big holes and Joseph Addai and Ronald Brown Hit the holes hard and when they were hit they hit back hard.
The Giants were attempting to prevent Peyton Manning from having a big day by reducing the number of linebackers playing and using defensive backs in their place, playing nickel and dime defenses exclusively. Peyton is one of the smartest QBs of all time. He saw what the Giants were giving him and took full advantage with a strong running game. His passing numbers didn't suffer. He only had to throw the ball 26 times. He completed 20 for 255 yards and 3 touchdowns and no picks. He had to throw 57 passes last week to achieve such excellent results.
The impressive running game helped the passing game this week. Peyton's 50 yard touchdown pass to Dallas Clark was on play action. The safety bit on the fake to the running back leaving Clark with a wide open middle of the field when he ran a deep route. Result Touchdown
Next week the Colts travel to Denver.
______________________________________________________________Thriller of the Week:
The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari
Director: Robert Wiene
Starring: Werner Krauss, Conrad Veidt
Photography: Karl Freund
This early German classic was produced between the two World Wars and relys heavily on the german expressionistic style, displaying weird sharp angles and shadows, and a story of madness and obsession. 

Spoilers Follow
The tale opens with, a student, Francis relating his story of a confrontation with a Doctor Caligari, "a mountebank monk who has strange and mysterious influence over a somnambulist." Francis' story is the main body of the movie.

Francis relates that the day the showman appears a series of murders begin in the town, culminating with the kidnapping of Francis' lover by the somnambulist, Cesare. The somnambulist is hunted down by the townspeople and falls to his death after dropping Jane. Francis' investigation of the monk leads him to the local sanitarium where he discovers the head of the sanitarium is Caligari. He reads from the Doctor's notes "At last I can put the Caligari Theory to the test _____ I now shall soon know if this patient can be compelled to perform deeds he would shrink from in his normal waking state. Can he Be Made To Commit Murder?" The townspeople bring the dead body of Cesare before Caligari and imprison the Doctor.
Francis completes his tale and he and his friend walk into a courtyard where milling about are patients of an asylum, including Cesare and Jane. Soon the Doctor emerges. The Doctor is the Caligari of Francis' imagination and Francis attacks him. Francis is subdued and placed in a cell and the Doctor reveals that Francis has been a patient all along with fantasies concerning the legend of Doctor Caligari. a 1093 monk in a traveling act,who used a somnabulist to murder people.
This may be the first twist ending in film history. The kidnapping scene of Jane is truly horrific as Cesare slinks upon the sleeping beauty only for her to awaken as he hovers over her. Conrad Veidt's expressions as he grabs hold of Jane not only reveal madness but conflict as the somnambulist has been sent to kill her but can't bring himself to complete the act.
The film is not only a horror film but an art film. The schizophrenic aesthetic and sequencing events of the film are entirely appropriate to the story and content. Today, the film continues to produce nightmares.
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