Thriller of the Week
Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
starring John Barrymore
The movie begins with this statement, "In each of us, two natures are at war--the good and the evil. All our lives the the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer---What we want most to be, we are."
The Robert Louis Stevenson tale was made 7 times during the silent era; this being the best and most famous. John Barrymore stars as the lead character and much praise has been lauded upon the first transformation scene where the earliest stages of the transformation Barrymore evokes the change without makeup. The contortions of his face alone make one believe he is becoming another.
The good Dr. Jekyll is described as "the finest man" and he devotes himself to others. He is eventually tempted by others to embrace his dark side. He is told "A man cannot destroy the savage impulses by denying its impulses. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."
Jekyll ponders this with Millicent, the love of his life and daughter of Sir George-his temptor. "Wouldn't it be marvelous if the two natures in man could be seperated- housed in different bodies." Soon Jekyll develops the formula to alter who he is.
Jekyll is tortured by Hyde's influence and in a violent scene, he transforms in front of Sir George and Hyde attacks and kills him, ripping out his throat with his teeth and beating him unmercifully.
Hyde goes on the run and changes back to into Jekyll. We are treated to an early special effect of an etheral Hyde appearing like a huge spiderlike creature falling upon Jekyll while he lies asleep.
Holed up in his lab, Jekyll no longer has any control over his transformations. Millicent comes to his aid but Hyde attacks her. She barely escapes. Jekyll overcomes Hyde long enough to swallow hidden poison concealed in a ring he wears. In the end everyone thought Hyde killed Jekyll but as it turns out Jekyll also killed Hyde.

Jaguars 31 Colts 28
I suppose I should give credit to the Jacksonville Jaguars for defeating the Colts this week but there was no call for it. Mistakes are death in the NFL and a pass that should have been caught on the 3 yard line that became an interception when Brody Eldridge failed to secure the ball and it was knocked out of his hands into a the waiting hands of the defense nullifying a dedfinite score. That play kept the Colts from going up buy 7 and it turned into 7 for Jacksonville. Another probable score was averted when Reggie Wayne after making an excellent catch tried for extra yardage and fumbled the ball, turning again over to Jacksonville.
The Colts defensively seemed anemic in the first half as again they got run over. The defense just doesn't seem to have mental toughness throughout the game. They also failed to stop Jacksonville's final drive with only 43 seconds left. Had Kelvin Hayden made a sure interception when David Garrard's pass hit him in the chest, Josh Scobee wouldn't have had the chance to kick the 59 yard field goal with no time remaing to win the game.
This game made me sick.
Pastor Paul is a way this week and next so Pastor Mike Gatliff steps in and gives us the message this week.
"Who Then Is This'
Mark 4: 35-41
The Disciples (learners) have received the first Christian Education and they now shall face a test-- up to this point the disciples had been bystanders- it was all classroom training - no practical exam.
1.) The Course--The Material being taught by Jesus FOLLOWING JESUS 101
In the 1st 3 chapters of Mark they learn of His teachings, healings, parables and most recently Jesus Forgives Sin.
They come away marveling Who Is This Man?
2.) The Test Mark 4:35-39
Jesus teaching from the boat on the Sea of Galilee and tells them they are going to the other side.
A.) The Crisis
1. The Stormy Sea
2. The Sleeping Savior
The storm tested the disciples on what they learned about Jesus
B') The Cry
their faith melted during the storm and they cried out "Don't you care?" Psalm 13
Do we think when storms come in our lives that God doesn't care?
C.) The Calm
Jesus says "Hush Be still" & a perfect calm settles on the sea.
From Chaos to peace in an instant
Jesus asks why they were afraid and had no faith.
No response from the disciples is recorded.
3.) The Grade
It appears the Disciples blew it and failed the test
they do get points for following Jesus to the other side but when Jesus told them they would make it to the other side there was no need for panic when the storm came.
Jesus didn't calm the storm to keep them safe- He already said they would make it.
He calmed the storm to give them a better impression of who He is.
They receive a passing grade because when it was all over, they finally began to get it.--They became in Awe of Jesus & wound up worshiping Him. He was now more than savior- He was now Lord
Safety isn't the absence of storms in our lives but the presence of Jesus
Psalm 107: 23-32
Who Then Is This?
1. One Who invites us to follow & travel with Him
2. One Who Is with us in all of the storms
3. One Who can impress Us with Who He Is
Jesus wants to impress us so our faith will increase
Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
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