It was one of the most inspirational video's I have seen. Dr. Giglio tours with musician Chris Tomlin providing inspiration from the scriptures with slides presenting the universe and in this presentation the protein laminin. The presentation is half science, half scripture with the purpose to understand just how great God is and by understanding how Great He is, knowing how little man is. Yet, this great God loves little man. The presentation left me in awe. I found his previous tour "The Indescribable Tour" which was equally impressive and I would urge viewers to see the "Indescribale" tour first. The "How Great is Our God" tour recaps and expands on the "Indiscribable" tour and then moves from the wonders of the cosmos to the wonders of God's creation- man.

I'm looking to purchase both sets. In the mean time I showed both my sons the videos and Kyle particulary was moved as he broke down in tears and praise. For the Christian it is difficult to not have such a response.
I would urge people to buy the videos to see them in their full splendor and assuring the originators receive their due revenue, but if you want to preview them first, the videos can be seen on You Tube

Stumbling Over The Stone
Romans 9:30-10:21
Pastor Paul Woodruff
Israel Would Not Submit to God's Method of Salvation vs 9:30 -10:5
The Gentiles obtained righteousness without looking for it while the Jews while looking for it couldn't see it. Acts 13:38-52
The Jews took the Law seriously, but not seriously enough for the Law says it must be kept perfectly "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all." James 2:10
Only through Jesus Christ can th e law be fulfilled perfectly & the Jews stumbled over Jesus
Israel Wouldn't Accept God's Messiah for Salvation vs 10:6-13
Christ came to them and did all the work- all they needed to do was believe
Isaiah 44:6 ""Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and His redeemer, the Lord of hosts: I am the first and i am the last, and there is no God besides me."
Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega- The First and the Last
The Jews knew Jesus claimed to be God yet they turn from their ways to Him
Israel Wouldn't Accept God's Messengers of Salvation vs 10:14-21
Man must hear about Jesus and someone must tell them and preachers must be sent
The Jews heard then message but refused it
John 5:38-40- The Jews were unwilling to commit to Jesus
It is insane not to turn to Jesus
Salvation in Jesus is a certainty
Telling others about Jesus is necessary
Hear the full message at the Eagle Creek Grace Brethren Church Website
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