Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sunday Message, 12/12/10, Colts win on Thursday

Guaranteed Glory
Romans 8:28-39
Pastor Paul Woodruf

Major Theme of Romans 8- The Absolute Security of the believer
- vs 1- No Condemnation for those in Christ
- vs 39- No seperation from God
-Every genuine believer is guaranteed Glory

During our lives- lots of tragedy, trials & groanings vs 23
but through it all things will end in Glory
God promised those who come to Him will not be cast out
Jn 3:16-- EVERLASTING Life

3 Fold Guarantee of Our Glory

1.) Perfection of God's Plan guarantees our Glory
"Those Whom"-- all those He foreknew & Predestined are Glorified
It is a done deal- all of God- All according to His perfect plan
If all of God- He won't lose any

1 Peter 1:20 -21 "For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God."

vs 29-30-- Plan

These all go together- can't have 1 without the others
In light of this the whoms refer back to Romans 8:28
Everything works for good- the good- conforming to the image of Christ
God's purposes can't be thwarted - He secures the present & the future

When we are in Glory we will be able to see how things worked together for good.

2.) The Provision of God guarantees our Glory
5 questions
1.) What shall we say to these thing? vs 31- refers to the teachings in Romans 1-8
2.) If God is for us, who can be against us?
The All Powerful, All Knowing, Creator of all things, The Holy, eternal God trumps all
3.) How will He not freely give us all things
If God didn't spare His own Son- There is nothing He would not give
4.) Who will bring a charge against God's Elect? vs 33 Who is the one who condemns?
Satan is the accuser of the brethren to no avail Rev 12:10
5.) Who will seperate us from the love of Christ?

None of the following can seperate us from the love of Christ
the sword
principalities (demons)
things present
things to come
any created thing

Our guarantee rests on Jesus, Not us

3.) Provision of His love guarantees our glory
vs 39
One must come to Jesus to experience God's saving love & then you become His child & this love is unending & eternal & nothing can seperate us from the love of Christ

Colts 30 Titans 28

Last Thursday the Colts took the first step in the final stretch to reach the playoffs. Peyton Manning returned to form to lead the Colts offense and the defense caused enough havoc early on to disrupt the Titans. A key to the game was the Colts running game getting enough touches to keep Tennesse off balance, helping to open up the passing game. The game wasn't really as close as the final score indicates and it sets up the big game on Sunday the 19th with the Jacksonville Jaguars for first place in the South Division and the likelihood of a playoff birth.

It appears the Colts are going to have a few of their key players back for the Jacksonville game but the Jaguars always play the Colts tough and the Colts will need every able bodied man.

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