Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Will Israel Do?

Not getting much play in the media has been Russia's intention of fueling the Bushehr nuclear reactor in Iran by the 21st of August. When the reactor is fueled it will be capable of producing plutonium 239, enabling Iran the ability to produce nuclear weapons.

Because Iran has clearly indicated there disdain for the nation of Israel and has left little doubt if they had the ability to wipe Israel off the map they would do so, Israel is faced with a difficult choice. Does Israel attack the site before the reactor is fueled and accept the condemnation of the world now or wait. If they do it now rather than later they would be able to limit the radioactive contamination that would inevitably cause greater devastation.

Indications are the Israelis would hold off since it will take some time to produce enough plutonium 239 to produce a weapon. It is also doubtful the Iranians have yet the ability to extract the plutonium from the fuel rods. All of this is temporary. Once the reactor is fueled it will only be a matter of time.

President Obama has proven to be ineffective dealing with Iran and has shown very little if any support for Israel. What does Israel do?

Israel has been surrounded by enemies and has had to engage in war after war always prevailing. The United States has been Israel's greatest earthly allie. But, it has been by God's providence that Israel has overcome the odds time and time again and God will continue to be faithful.

An excellent column on the Bushehr Nuclear reactor entitled "Bomb Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Reactor? The Endgame May Be Coming Soon"can be found at The American Standard web site. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/bomb-irans-bushehr-nuclear-reactor

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